Karate-Do (1956)

  • by Mike
  • 31 May, 2018

An interesting look into Karate before it came to the West

Thanks to our very own Sensei Warren who sent this video to me for the site (as a point of note, if any of you come across any interesting Karate stuff, do drop me a line, I’d love to see it and may even put it up on this blog)!

Filmed in 1956 (approx. 10 years before Karate came to the UK) this proves to be quite an interesting insight into Karate before it took off in the West.

EDIT: Thanks to Allan Shepherd who has corrected me on the following point in my original post [above]. Karate in the UK started back in 1959 with Vernon Bell who later went on to teach talents such as Andy Sherry and others.
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