This Wednesday (22/08/2018) evenings Kata only training session at Ormskirk Shotokan Karate Club covered Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan and Heian Godan. Each of the 5 Kata was performed light and strong in both Omote and Ura. The training session concluded with Heian Oyo light and strong in Omote. A great thought provoking training session from our Chief Instructor Sensei Errington. The terms Omote and Ura are twin concepts meaning public and private faces. Sadly many Karateka never gets to experience both Ura which can be applied to all Shotokan Kata and Oyo which is applied with the last 4 Heian Kata and 3 Tekki Kata which would greatly expand their knowledge of our Ryu. We are very fortunate to have Sensei Errington as our Chief Instructor.