This Wednesday (17/10/2018) evening's Kata only training session at
Ormskirk Shotokan Karate Club covered Bassai Dai and Nijushiho
(previously known as Niseishi). Usual variations of pace and tempo with
emphasis on Form, Body Dynamics, Transition and Power.
Sensei Errington
reiterated the importance of hip position (Shomen, Hanmi and Gyaku
Hanmi) in Bassai Dai with the various blocking and attacking techniques.
Also in Nijushiho the correct feet position and pelvic girdle lift with
Shime (squeeze) in Sanchin Dachi. These variations of pace and tempo
are practiced to highlight area's of our individual Kata that may not be
so evident when we practice routinely. Contraction and expansion are
developed with a greater understanding. Another great training session
from our Chief Instructor.