Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been a while, hasn't it?
With the years summer course, this year held in it's new venue of Paisley Scotland, behind us, what better time to check in and give you all a rundown on all the recent happenings in the club.
For starters, all of our Kyu grades have not only gone through their next grading, but all passed, including Danielle how has gained her 3rd Kyu (and thus her first Brown Belt) and Robert who has earned his 1st Kyu — putting him one step away from obtaining his Black Belt.
Mentioning Black Belts; a group of our more senior grades also graded recently. Taking place at the Paisley course, two of our instructors – Sensei Mark Warren and Sensei Russell Nelson (both of whom you can read more about on our Team page) – took their 5th Dan JKA grading, while two of our 1st Dan Black Belts – myself included in that – took our 2nd Dan JKA grading. All of who, I hasten to add, passed!
Kyu grade or Dan grade, however, I think a hearty congratulations are in order for all. You all worked hard to get where you are now, and I have the highest confidence that you will all reach the next level of your Karate, whatever it may be, before you even know it.
Outside of the usual stresses for everyone when one's comrades are going for a grading. The Paisley course, as is to be expected, was the usual mixture of world-class teaching from both Sensei Kawasoe and this year's guest instructor Sensei Shiina – direct from JKA HQ in Tokyo – and catching up with friends and fellow karate-ka from both home and overseas.
As for the teaching points covered by Sensei Kawasoe and Sensei Shiina over the course of the three days? Unfortunately, this post would never end if I started covering all of them here, so keep your eyes tuned to the blog and Facebook page as I will hopefully have a post including a number of the lessons from the Paisley course up here in the next few weeks.
Last up on the news front, the old Legacy Gallery, showcasing some of the past moments and events in the clubs history, has now been rebuilt after our move to this new website. The website has also received some backend work (don't worry, I won't bore you with the details) to make your experience, hopefully, a smoother one.
I would like to also extend another thank you to Allan Shepherd who has moved his rundowns of our Wednesday Kata sessions from Facebook to the OSKC blog. Expect more of those in the coming future.
And with that, we come to the end of the news, though on one final note if anyone has any blog post idea's, posts they want to put up on the site, or even some photos/videos for our gallery, please feel free to drop me a line or grab me at training.
See you all in the Dojo,