This Wednesday (15/08/2018) evening's Kata only training session at Ormskirk Shotokan Karate Club covered Heian Godan, Tekki Shodan and a choice of Kata from each of the participating Karateka. A wide choice covering Bassai Dai, Enpi, Sochin, Nijushiho, Chinte and Hangetsu. Usual variations of pace and tempo with emphasis on Form, Body Dynamics, Transition and Power. Sensei Errington asked that we spend 10 minutes or so on one particular aspect of our chosen Kata that we feel requires examination. These Kata only training sessions in the format that we practice help us to fully understand why we do certain techniques allied with stance, breathing and Samurai spirit. Wishing Sensei's Mark Warren and Russell Nelson success in their forthcoming Godan (5th Dan) grading this weekend at the JKA course in Scotland.