I Think I will Take Up Karate!

  • by Mike
  • 28 May, 2018

Guest Feature by Steve Mcging

I had been involved in several sports in my 52 years but felt like a new challenge. Having never been much of a "scrapper" and at 235 lb with dodgy knees, this seemed a touch optimistic. However, I googled karate club local and came up with Ormskirk Karate Club, rang up the contact number, was told "Monday 6:30, wear loose sports gear, see you there”.

I was more than a touch worried to arrive and see a dozen guys and a couple of ladies lined up, all seemingly knowing what do, and looking the part wearing a Gi and responding to barked orders from a stern looking man at the front. On the good side though, I didn’t look the oldest!

Firstly we spent 20 minutes stretching, a warm-up that is repeated every time. I was then told to stand to the very left of the line, one of the guys in charge, Steve, came over and spent 45 minutes with me, showing me the basics, nobody was coming at me with flailing arms and legs, it was all about movement and stance.

I finished early, you only do an hour at first, and watched the rest complete their session. After the session several people came over to me and introduced themselves, making me feel very welcome - there was plenty of banter in the changing rooms as well, all good natured though.

Karate has been a very gradual process for me, the teachers spend lots of time with you and push you to the limit of what you are capable of. They make the distinction however between a 20-year-old and middle-aged man, there is a lot of respect and attention paid to detail, but the atmosphere is never intimidating only encouraging.

Four years on, I am a stone lighter, a lot more flexible and have a brown belt!

Wish I had started younger, but so glad I found this great club!

- Steve Mcging; 2nd Kyu

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