Birth of the OSKC Blog

  • by Mike
  • 28 May, 2018

Well here goes nothing...

Welcome Ladies and Gentleman. Take a seat, join me on this journey as we delve into the philosophical, a quite often complex, world of Karate… Okay, enough with the dramatics. Though I still welcome you all the same.

Admittedly I don’t rightly know where this blog of ours will go, nor do I rightly know what form many of these posts will take… or how I’m going to crowbar a Karate angle out of most of them, come to think of it (though you can expect some nonsense and more than a few spelling mistakes along the way).

That said. If my time as a Karateka has taught me anything, its always to be ready to step out of your comfort zone and take on a challenge head-on so, if nothing else, let's see just where this new path leads us all. 

See you in the Dojo,


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by Mike 5 August 2018
A description of our members only Kata training session from Wednesday the 1st August 2018
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